Who I Am and What I Do

I am happy you have come to my website, and hopefully there is something within it that speaks to you.
I have been curious my entire life and have sought to understand life from all different angles. I have had the good fortune of being able to pursue a range of interests including spirituality, healing, psychology, philosophy and mathematics. I have also had many wonderful teachers and mentors throughout my life. As your healer, I tend to take a very pragmatic point of view as I seek to bring the full breadth of my knowledge, experience and presence to the table in the service of helping you with your challenges.
For further context, I have been meditating since I was 11 years old. I have been learning different healing modalities and spiritual practices since I was a teenager. In my early twenties, I attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, an intensive 4-year program in energy healing. Subsequently, I studied Nondual Kabbalistic Healing, a different modality that is seated in nondual consciousness and is complementary to the energy healing work that I had previously studied.
Alongside this, I have studied with a variety of other spiritual teachers from many traditions: shamanism, esoteric Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Kabbalah, Hawaiian spirituality, Mystical Christianity, the 4th Way and others. Seeking to integrate all of this, I trained at the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation and was ordained as an interfaith minister.
In parallel to this, I have also studied a number of more conventional topics and have a number of academic degrees including a BA in Psychology, a BS in Mathematics, an MSc in Statistics & Computer Science, and an Executive MBA. I have worked in the tech sector for many years and am currently the Director of Science, Data & Innovation at a boutique tech consultancy.
In the end, though, what I would like to do is simply help you find greater wholeness, meaning and happiness. And it does not matter to me whether you believe in one God, many gods, or no god. What I care about is whether you are searching for wholeness and are willing to do the work of unfolding who you are.